YouTube ProfileThe whole team at Ballen Studios and I have created a special thank you to all you amazing fans for your support! Now you may have already heard about this… but... if you haven't…
My first book, MrBallen Presents Strange, Dark & Mysterious: The Graphic Stories, is coming out October 1st of this year!
For anyone who preorders the book – which includes 9 amazingly illustrated, feature length MrBallen stories – you will immediately gain access to a secret 10th story that's NOT in the book!
That secMrBallenPost · 7 days ago
It's time I reveal the secret behind something you've been seeing…
You're not hallucinating. Let me explain.
Until just recently, YouTube has been letting only certain creators use their Thumbnail Testing feature (commonly called A/B Testing). I still see some comments about thumbnails changing so I want to explain what's happening behind the scenes.
A/B Testing might not be what you think. It's not for supercharging views or click rate. It exists only to increase watch time and in turn reduce clickbMrBallenPost · 1 week ago
The latest video (8/26) features two stories that sound fake but are 100% true…
“Deer Crossing” - One night in a parking lot, a man woke up in the driver’s seat of his car to a police officer knocking on the window. The man rolled it down, and the officer shined a light in his face and told him to step outside.
The man did as he was told, and started explaining why he was asleep there. But as he talked it was clear that the officer wasn’t listening. Instead, the officer’s eyes went wide as hMrBallenPost · 3 weeks ago
A trespassing homeless man accidentally tripped and fell into something horrific beyond words. Although this occurred over 25 years ago, his clumsiness unfortunately kicked off a series of truly terrible events that still continue to this very day.
Watch Sunday’s (8/18) episode to see what all of Scotland believes is the explanation.
But before you run off and watch, I have one question for you:
When do you watch Sunday’s new release?MrBallenPost · 4 weeks ago
“The Wail” - Just after midnight, a police officer was sitting in his cruiser with the windows rolled down, when he heard a loud, terrifying sound. At first it was like a high-pitched woman’s scream, but it turned into a screech, like the sound a cat would make in a fight. And it echoed - like it was coming from inside a cave. But this was a residential neighborhood. There wasn’t a single cave for miles…
Listen to our latest story to find out what happened and trust me, if you like claustrophobiaMrBallenPost · 1 month ago
“Who’s Out There?” - Very late at night in an isolated rural cabin, a middle-aged woman was trying to relax by herself, when she heard a shuffling sound outside the window. She looked up and saw something moving outside in the dark. She stifled a scream, but then she reached for her gun. This woman had been a victim before; she would NOT let it happen again…
Watch our latest story to find out what happens next…
You hear a sound in the night, do you:MrBallenPost · 1 month ago
For several days in 2008, a young man tried to convince his mother to come out of the guest room in his apartment where she was staying, and just talk to him. But his mother refused.
And finally, the young man couldn't take it anymore. He stood at her door knocking and knocking until she finally opened up.
That's when he told her -- he knew EVERYTHING. And now, it was time to act.
Find out what happened in our most recent story: “Family Values” .
Have you ever seen someone go too far?
— JohnMrBallenPost · 2 months ago
One morning a father walked into his infant daughter’s room to pick her up.. The baby had been feeling sick, so he hoped a good night’s sleep would make her feel better.
But when he took his baby girl out of her crib – he froze. Because what he saw on her pillow meant that his entire family was in danger.
Explore our latest story, “What's That Smell?” and find out what was on her pillow…
Have you personally ever been in a fight or flight situation? It must have been scary. What did you do?MrBallenPost · 2 months ago
Tomorrow’s episode will feature two Bizarre Missing stories.
Story names & previews:
“The Perfect Bait” - A factory worker plunged her knife into the stomach of the gigantic cod fish laying on the processing line in front of her. She pulled the knife out and raised it again to make another cut, but before she could bring it down – she froze. For one second, she just stared, not even breathing. Then, she dropped her knife and screamed…
“Stay Forgetful” - A man wakes up in a ditch with a huMrBallenPost · 2 months ago